I'm collecting information here to track progress on setting up an Ender 3 Pro that I pulled out of the trash. The previous owner had already upgraded the motherboard and completed a changeover to direct drive. The Z-axis was initially bizarrely overtightened, causing MAJOR skipping issues that squished all the prints about 30%.
After properly torquing the eccenctric nuts on the Z-axis and other belts as well as lubing everything, it printed okay! However, it had Merlin firmware which is poopy so now I'm working on converting it to Klipper.
Before getting into the printer itself, let's go over how to connect to the Pi, which is running the whole show.
This machine is currently flashed with a Debian-based OS called MainsailOS - however, I do not like Mainsail so it has been gutted and replaced with Fluidd for the web interface.
## Software
### Connecting to WiFi
On the <code>/boot/</code> partition of the SD card, create a plaintext file called <code>wpa_supplicant.conf</code> and use the following template to add the correct information for your WiFi network (this unit is compatible with both 2.4 and 5 GHz networks). Once you have created that file, re-insert the SD card (or reboot if edited in-place) and after about a minute it should appear on your WiFi network. DHCP is currently enabled.
### KIAUH (Klipper Installation and Update Helper)
I have been managing additional package for the 3d printer-specific stuff using a utility called KIAUH. You can find the Git for them [here](https://github.com/dw-0/kiauh).
You can run it using the following command:
See the Git for documentation. You probably won't need to do much through this unless you're adding new features or want to try out Mainsail instead of Fluidd. Actual updating of things is handled through the Fluidd and/or Mainsail interface.
This is running a Debian-based OS. Because of this, you can update using <code>apt</code> just like on any other system. Everything that is currently installed is actively maintained and should work great through updates. On my other 2 printers running Debian w/ Klipper, updates have gone off without a hitch.